Giant snakehead

Giant Snakehead : Ikan monster dari pantai Inggris

Kita mengenal hiu dan piranha sebagai predator air paling ganas. Namun kelihatannya reputasi mereka mendapat saingan berat dari seorang pendatang baru. Seekor ikan liar yang lebih mematikan dibanding piranha dan telah membunuh orang baru-baru ini ditangkap di pantai Inggris untuk pertama kalinya.
The Giant Snakehead - disebut demikian karena tubuhnya yang panjang dan giginya yang menakutkan tertangkap oleh seorang pemancing di Lincolnshire, Inggris. Giant Snakehead adalah salah satu spesies dari bermacam-macam jenis ikan Snakehead.

Ikan ini diberi julukan "gangster" nya dunia ikan. Ia memakan apapun yang terlihat olehnya dan bahkan dilaporkan telah membunuh manusia. Monster ini yang diduga berasal dari Asia Tenggara juga dapat merayap di daratan dan bertahan hidup tanpa air hingga 4 hari. Walaupun baru ditemukan, ikan ini telah memiliki reputasi sebagai predator yang menakutkan di beberapa bagian dunia. Di Amerika Serikat, ikan ini dijuluki "Franken Fish" karena kelihatan seperti makhluk yang keluar dari film horor.
Ikan ini pertama kali ditangkap oleh Andy Alder dari Lincoln. Tanpa sengaja ia menangkap ikan sepanjang 60 cm ini ketika ia sedang memancing di sungai Witham dekat Hykeham utara, Inggris. Dia berkata,"Ikan itu memiliki mulut penuh dengan gigi setajam silet. Sejujurnya, saya takut setengah mati."

Setelah ditemukan, ikan ini bukan saja membuat panik para pemancing saja namun juga para aktivis konservasi alam. Sebuah organisasi lingkungan hidup berkata bahwa apabila spesies ini berkembang biak, maka ia dapat memusnahkan makhluk lain di dalam air dan mereka beranggapan bahwa ini adalah sebuah bencana besar. Ben Weir, seorang wartawan dari majalah memancing berkata,"Selama hidupku bekerja di bidang pemancingan, aku belum pernah mendengar banyak suara kekuatiran seperti sekarang. Ikan ini nyata dan mereka tidak segan-segan menyerang manusia untuk melindungi anak-anak mereka."

Para ahli telah meneliti foto-foto ikan ini dan mengkonfirmasi bahwa ikan ini adalah predator sejati. Sekarang, ikan ini telah masuk dalam daftar hitam spesies yang dilarang untuk diimpor oleh Inggris. Ada kekuatiran bahwa ikan ini dapat diselundupkan untuk hewan piaraan akuarium dan kemudian dilepaskan secara ilegal. Salah satu pemancing terkemuka didunia, Jean Francois Helias dari majalah Angling Adventures Thailand berkata bahwa ikan ini yang bernama latin Channa Micropeltes adalah ikan terjahat dari semua spesies Snakehead. "Giant Snakehead tidak mengenal rasa takut" Katanya.

Ikan yang sama juga telah menimbulkan kekacauan ketika mereka masuk ke perairan Amerika Serikat tahun 2002. Para penembak jitu disiapkan di pinggir sungai untuk menembaki mereka. Pada waktu itu, air sungai dipenuhi oleh darah untuk memancing mereka keluar.

Untuk diketahui, Snakehead dewasa dapat mencapai panjang 90 cm dan berat 20 kilogram, Dan tebak, darimana persisnya ikan ini berasal ? ya, Indonesia. Kita mengenal jenis snakehead dengan sebutan IKAN GABUS. Giant Snakehead adalah salah satu variannya.


Moby Dick

Pterodactyl Muncul Ketika Peristiwa Menara Kembar

Anda tahu kan? Pterodactyl adalah sejenis burung pada zaman purba pemakan daging,
Betapa terkejutnya ketika aku melihat, burung ini tertangkap kamera ketika peristiwa menara kembar hancur..
Walau begitu , peristiwa ini masih sangat misterius, berikut liputannya..

Pada tanggal 11 September 2001, menara kembar WTC ditabrak oleh dua pesawat terbang. Menara kembar tersebut runtuh, rata dengan tanah. Semua mata dunia memandang peristiwa tersebut. Tentu saja, peristiwa tersebut mengubah pandangan dunia tentang terorisme. Namun, Pada saat runtuhnya menara kembar tersebut, satu makhluk misterius tertangkap kamera sedang terbang di sekitar gedung tersebut.

Steve Moran, seorang penduduk New York berkata,”Aku tinggal di New York dan ketika aku mendengar menara kembar diserang, aku segera bergegas ke lokasi untuk mengambil foto. Pertama-tama, aku mengambil gambar para pekerja medis yang sedang memberikan pertolongan. Lalu aku mengambil foto di sekitar lokasi kearah selatan di jalan Greenwich. Ketika aku pulang, aku menyadari ada suatu objek yang tertangkap kameraku.”

Steve melanjutkan.”Sepertinya seorang malaikat sedang melayang diatas puing-puing pecahan gedung WTC. Tidak mungkin itu seekor merpati atau bangau karena ukurannya yang besar. Lagipula, kami tidak memiliki burung pelikan atau burung bangkai di New York”

 Pterodactyl Muncul Ketika Peristiwa Menara Kembar

Steve juga memperlihatkan foto lainnya yang mengambil gambar di lokasi yang sama, namun tidak terlihat adanya objek tersebut. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa makhluk tersebut adalah objek yang bergerak. Steve menggunakan Kamera digital Kodak DC 4800, dan ia percaya makhluk itu adalah malaikat penolong ataupun malaikat maut.

Para peneliti yang mulanya meragukan foto tersebut kemudian melakukan penelitian terhadap foto atau rekaman peristiwa WTC, dan yang mengejutkan mereka menemukan objek bergerak serupa dari rekaman video CNN. Dengan menggunakan rasio 8:1 dan membandingkannya dengan lebar menara WTC (250 kaki), maka objek bergerak itu seukuran seekor Pterodactyl.

Foto dibawah ini diambil dari rekaman video CNN News.

 Pterodactyl Muncul Ketika Peristiwa Menara Kembar Pterodactyl Muncul Ketika Peristiwa Menara Kembar Pterodactyl Muncul Ketika Peristiwa Menara Kembar Pterodactyl Muncul Ketika Peristiwa Menara Kembar6 Pterodactyl Muncul Ketika Peristiwa Menara Kembar

Coba bandingkan bentuk objek itu dengan seekor Pterodactyl. Lehernya yang panjang sangat menyerupai seekor Pterodactyl.

pterodactyl Pterodactyl Muncul Ketika Peristiwa Menara Kembar
Dibanding dengan dugaan Steve bahwa objek itu adalah malaikat, para peneliti lebih mempercayai teori bahwa objek itu adalah seekor Pterodactyl. Tapi tentu saja..masih misterius.
   FOTO PENAMPAKAN ULAR KOBRA RAKSASA DI LANGIT INGGRIS 2011 Fenomena Kumpulan Burung Terbang Mirip Ular Raksasa

FENOMENA 2011 POLA ULAR BURUNG JALAK DI LANGIT Foto Penampakan Ular Kobra Raksasa Inggris 2011 Fenomena Kumpulan Burung Terbang Mirip Ular Raksasa. Inggris - Migrasi burung besar-besaran merupakan hal yang biasa. Namun, penampakan aneh muncul saat kumpulan burung jalak membentuk pola ular di langit. Seperti apa? Lihat Fenomena Kilat Pacitan 2011 Cahaya Aneh Pancaran Sinar Api Raksasa Di Langit Pacitan Tahun 2011 dan Foto Fenomena Dua Matahari Supernova 2011 Fenomena Aneh Ledakan Bintang Raksasa Merah Muncul Matahari Kedua.

Warga Taunton, Somerset, Inggris, sedikit takut saat ribuan burung jalak yang mengepakkan sayap membuat formasi ular kobra raksasa di bawah rumah penduduk pada sore hari.

Penampakan ini mirip adegan film terkenal Hollywood, The Mummy, di mana burung tampak berkumpul seperti monster ular.

Meskipun jumlah burung jenis ini turun di Inggris, kumpulan burung yang mirip awan ini masih sering muncul saat mereka melarikan diri dari iklim yang menyulitkan ke daratan Eropa.

Fenomena yang dikenal dengan nama ‘murmation’ ini biasa terjadi di senja setiap hari sebelum burung bertengger di suatu kawasan dalam jumlah sangat banyak.

Formasi misterius ini sebenarnya merupakan hasil dari naluri kelangsungan hidup jalak. Mereka melindungi diri dari pemangsa dengan membuat diri seolah besar dan menakutkan.


Cumi raksasa pembunuh kuasai lautan pacific

Jutaan cumi-cumi raksasa pembunuh sekarang ga cuma ngabisin ikan, sekarang mereka uda mule nyerang manusia. Monster laut ini terbangun dari tidur panjangnya..

Diberitakan 2 nelayan meksiko diseret dari perahu mereka dan 'dikunyah' sama cumi ini sampe ga ngebentuk lagi, saking ga ngebentuknya, jenazah keduanya ga bisa dikenali lagi sama keluarganya.

Ga heran cumi raksasa ini dikenal dengan nama 'diablos rojos' - red devil - MU?

Cumi monster selama ini cuma dikenal sebagai legenda, tapi para nelayan dan biologis kelautan menyatakan kalo legenda uda berubah jadi kenyataan. Cumi raksasa uda nguasai 10000 mil wilayah perairan chili sampe alaska.
Kisah para nelayan itu bakal dipublikasiin di channel five documentary minggu ini.

Sejak 2002, cumi raksasa humbolt (dinamai gini sama seorang penjelajah dari jerman abad 18), uda mule ngabisin stok ikan di pasifik, Kalo dulu cuma berkeliaran di perairan meksiko, sekarang mereka uda nyebar di seluruh pasifik.

Seekor betina sanggup ngeluarin 30 juta telur sekali brojol, dan kesemuanya berpotensi jadi monster yang mematikan.

Para ahli biologi sampe harus make chain mail buat ngelindungin diri dari cumi sepanjang 8 kaki, seberat 100 kilo dan punya 40000 'gigi' di 2 tentakel utama mereka. Bayangin kalo tentakel itu kena kita:

Makhluk ini juga punya 8 'kaki' yang ngebikin mereka bisa renang dengan kecepatan 15mph.

Salah satu penyelam dari US special forces, Scott Cassell mempertaruhkan idupnya dalam penelitian ini, dia sempat diserang sama cumi raksasa di perairan chili.

Dia bilang, "Dalam waktu lima menit bahu kanan saya ditarik dari tempatnya. Ada 30 'cap' besar di kepala dan tenggorokan dan satu cumi memukul saya begitu keras sampe aku melihat bintang-bintang. Mereka kemudian menarikku ke bawah begitu cepat sehingga saya tidak sempat menyesuaikan tekanan dan saya kehilangan gendang telinga saya."

Menurut para ahli, cumi ini bisa sampe ke pasifik gara-gara perubahan iklim yang ngebikin laut pasifik makin anget. Nah, gara-gara pasifik makin anget jadinya cumi raksasa betah disana.. Keberadaan cumi raksasa juga mengancam lingkungan, pasalnya seekor cumi bisa ngabisin 27000 pon ikan dalama 2 taun.

Cumi-cumi ini terdampar di pantai wellington, new zealand pada 8 agustus kemaren, menurut ahli, penyebab terdamparnya cumi ini gara-gara diserang makhluk lain di laut.

Bangkai cumi ini sendiri pertama terlihat di Houghton Bay di selatan wellington. Menurut ahli dari Te Papa, panjang dari cumi ini mencapai 4 meter. Sebenernya lebih dari 13 meter sih, tapi sisanya mungkin ketinggalan di laut. Manajer Te Papa, Jane Kieg bilang kalo makhluk ini ditemuin uda dalam kondisi rusak gara-gara suatu serangan. Liat aja cuminya bonyok-bonyok gitu kan?

Manajer dari Department of Conservation Wellington, Rob Stone mengidentifikasi cumi ini sebagai cumi kolosal. Menurutnya juga ini adalah kali pertama cumi sebesar ini terdampar di sana..

Bangkai yang terdampar ini sendiri ga terlalu spesial sih.. Yang bikin ini misterius adalah: Apa sih yang nyerang cumi ini sampe terdampar dalam kondisi rusak.

Yang punya blog bilang kalo mungkin hal ini di karenakan paus sperma, karena hewan ini sering di sebut-sebut sebagai predator alami yang suka memakan cumi raksasa.Dan dia idup di perairan selandia baru.. Di perairan yang sama dimana cumi kolosal juga idup. Berarti cumi naas tadi abis kegigit paus sperma dan akirnya terdampar.

kisah persahabatan ikan hiu putih dan nelayan asal australia – Hi GOlers! Sebuah cerita yang mengagumkan datang dari majalah Perancis “Le Magazine des Voyages de peche” di edisi ke 56,  yang diberi judul “An Astonishing Love Story”. Cerita tersebut mengangkat kisah nyata dari seorang nelayan yang bersahabat dengan baik dengan seekor hiu putih. Wow.
Berikut kutipan ceritanya:
“Arnold Pointer, seorang nelayan Professional dari Australia Selatan menyelamat kan nyawa seekor “Hiu Putih Besar Betina” yang tertangkap di jaring nya. Sekarang nelayan itu mempunyai masalah. Ia Berkata : ini sudah berlangsung selama 2 tahun dan ia tidak pernah meninggalkan aku sendiri. Ia selalu mengikutiku kemana pun aku pergi dan kedatangannya selalu membuat semua ikan pergi. Aku tidak tahu harus berbuat apa.”
Sulit untuk pergi dari hiu yang panjang nya hampir 17 kaki (sekitar 5,1 meter) karena Hiu Putih dilindungi oleh konservasi kehidupan liar, tapi kasih sayang adalah sebuah kenyataan yang tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi antara Arnold dan “Cindy”.
Arnold Berkata : Saat aku memberhentikan perahu ku ia datang kepadaku, dia memutar punggungnya dan membiarkan aku mengelus perut dan lehernya. Ia mendengkur, memutar matanya dan menggerakkan sirip nya keatas dan kebawah memukul air dengan senang nya… ”
Berikut foto – fotonya:
Kisah Nyata Persahabatan Antara Nelayan dan Hiu Putih 300x259 Kisah Nyata! Persahabatan Antara Nelayan dan Hiu Putih

Spectacled bear

The Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus), also known as the Andean Bear and locally as ukuko, jukumari or ucumari is the last remaining 'short-faced' bear (subfamily Tremarctinae) and the closest living relative to the Florida spectacled bear[2] and short-faced bears of the Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene[3][4] age.
The Spectacled Bear is a relatively small species of bear native to South America. It has black fur with a distinctive beige-coloured marking across its face and upper chest, though not all Andean bears have "spectacle" markings. Males are a third larger than females.[5] Males can weigh 130 – 200 kilograms (286 – 440 lb), and females 35 –82 kilograms (77 – 181 lb).[6] They are found in several areas of northern and western South America, including eastern Panama,[7] western Venezuela,[8] Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, western Bolivia, and northwestern Argentina. Spectacled bears are the only surviving species of bear native to South America, and the only surviving member of the subfamily Tremarctinae. Their survival has depended mostly on their ability to climb even the tallest trees of the Andes.

Naming and etymology

Tremarctos ornatus is commonly referred to in English as the "Spectacled Bear", a reference to the light colouring on its chest, neck and face which may resemble eyeglasses in some individuals, or the "Andean Bear" for its distribution along the Andes.
Spectacled Bear at a zoo in Venezuela
The root trem- comes from a Greek word meaning "hole;" arctos is the Greek word for "bear." Tremarctos is a reference to an unusual hole on the animal's humerus. Ornatus, Latin for "decorated", is a reference to the markings that give the bear its common English name.

Behavior and diet

Although the bears tend to isolate themselves from one another to avoid competition, they are non-territorial. When encountered by humans or other Spectacled Bears, they will react in a docile but cautious manner, unless the intruder is seen as a threat or a mother's cubs are endangered. Like other bears, mothers are protective of their young and have attacked poachers. However, no deaths have been recorded by South American state governments. They usually attempt to retreat from humans, often by climbing trees.[9] Once up a tree, they often build a platform, perhaps to aid in concealment, as well as to rest and store food on.[9]
Spectacled Bears are more vegetarian than other bears; normally about 5% of their diet is meat, in the form of small mammals and birds, arthropods and carrion. They are occasionally accused of killing livestock and raiding corn fields.[9]


A spectacled bear at the Houston Zoo.
The spectacled bear population is under threat for a number of reasons. The bears are hunted by locals due to a belief they will eat livestock (although spectacled bears do not eat large quantities of meat). The gall bladders of spectacled bears are also valued in traditional Chinese medicine and can fetch a high price on the international market. Extensive logging and farming have led to a loss of habitat for the bears.
In the documentary Paddington Bear: The Early Years, British actor Stephen FryPaddington Bear). Fry bartered with the villagers to have the bear released and it was taken to an enclosure in Machu Picchu. Fry's interest in the bears led to the follow up documentary, Stephen Fry and the Spectacled Bears, and he also wrote and published his experiences in Rescuing the Spectacled Bear: A Peruvian Diary. encounters a Spectacled bear called Yogi, who was kept in a small cage by Andean villagers (see also
In the BBC television programme Serious Andes a team of eight teenagers build a pre-release enclosure for two spectacled bears before returning them to the wild. The BBC documentary "Spectacled Bears: Shadows of the Forest" looks at some of the bear research being done in Peru and Ecuador what the researchers are discovering.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fortean / Oddball News: Liverpool Creature, Rendlesham Forest UFO and Aliens Hunt Aussies

Mysterious 'Creature' Spotted in UK Port

ninemsn - A mysterious object has been spotted in waters near Liverpool in England's northwest, sparking speculation it could be a shark.

The object, seen at the Albert dock in Merseyside, has raised questions about the effect England's freezing waters are having on marine biology.

Some experts have said it could be a basking shark while others have said it could simply be a jetski.

Marine biologist Tom Cornell said basking sharks were known to cruise around the coast and that they weren't a threat to humans.

"Although it is unusual for tropical island sharks to be found in this area, it’s not unheard of," Mr Cornell said.

Radio DJ Simon Hoban spotted the creature while viewing an aerial shot of the maritime tourist spot on Google Earth.

The image appears to show some sort of sea creature with a curved body, pointed snout and pectoral fins on either side of its body.

The Daily Mail reported that the creature was larger than some of the boats which are lined up beside it.

Mr Cornwell suggested the animal may be lost.

"Perhaps it was an old shark which was looking for a place to die," he said.


Rendlesham Forest UFO Encounter Still Leaves Questions

Thirty years after claims that UFOs had been spotted in Rendlesham Forest, experts and enthusiasts still can't agree on what happened.

Mysterious craft and lights around the airbases of Woodbridge and Bentwaters in Suffolk were reported around Christmas 1980.

BBC Suffolk's Mark Murphy presented a special 30th anniversary radio show from the forest in December 2010.

Mr Murphy promoted his favourite theory, but questions remained.


Aliens from outer space, beings from another dimension, testing of secret military projects, a helicopter carrying something, light from Orford Ness lighthouse, pranks by airmen - just some of the theories of what happened when the bases were being used by the US Air Force during the Cold War.

Nick Pope used to run the British government's UFO Project and he undertook a review of the incident in 1994.

He said: "The military is an inherently secretive organisation and if anything happens such as these theories about secret classified aircraft or drones, there certainly would have been scope to cover something up and that would have been the default position." Continue reading at Rendlesham Forest UFO mystery still leaves questions


David Attenborough and the Mystery of the Elephant Bird

As souvenirs go, the giant fossilised egg that Sir David Attenborough keeps wrapped up for safe-keeping in the cellar of his London home is not bad for someone with a 60 year career as Britain's foremost natural history documentary maker.

Now in a bid to find out more about the foot long egg he collected on the island of Madagascar 50 years ago and the birds that laid them, Sir David has returned to the island off the east coast of Africa for a new BBC documentary on a quest to discover what happened to the largest birds to ever live on the planet.

The egg was laid by an elephant bird, which were more than 10 feet tall and weighed around half a ton, but what caused the huge birds to die out has remained a mystery, with some claiming they were hunted to extinction by humans and others blaming climate change.

But Sir David claims there is now compelling evidence that suggests the birds were gradually killed off by the early human inhabitants on the island stealing the giant eggs for food. He believes the birds themselves were revered by the indigenous populations, but the use of their eggs for food, combined with the destruction of the forests where the elephant birds lived, led to their eventual demise.

Recent archaeological evidence has revealed the fragments of elephant bird egg shells among the remains of human fires, suggesting that the eggs, which are 180 times bigger than a chicken egg, regularly provided food for entire families. Continue reading at David Attenborough and the Mystery of the Elephant Bird


Shark Scientist Unravels Egypt's Red Sea 'Jaws'

calgaryherald - As arguably the world's foremost chronicler of shark attacks, George Burgess knows better than anyone what the sea's most ferocious predator is capable of.

His position as curator of the International Shark Attack File, a database started in the 1950s, has forced him to confront the results in mortuaries around the globe.

It is always a harrowing experience, one that demonstrates the fragility of the human body when faced with some of the most powerful jaws in the animal kingdom.

Take the case of Shirley Anne Durdin who was decapitated and torn in two after a white shark attacked her as she snorkelled off the South Australian coast in 1985.

Then there was Theo Klein, killed by another white that tore flesh from his dead body in front of horrified onlookers in 1971 after he was caught in its jaws off Buffalo Bay, South Africa.

Perhaps because the file, which contains more than 4,000 investigations of shark attacks dating back as far as the 16th century, is largely secret, Burgess is reluctant to discuss recent cases.

But when it comes to the business of killing, it is clear that some sharks go about their task with all the finesse of a medieval executioner.

"If something is big enough to get its mouth around your head, the neck is very easily severed," he said. "It can be done in several bites or maybe in just one. A large, fully grown white shark could cut a human in half."

As a scientist, who was drawn into his profession by reading the books of oceanographer Jacques Cousteau as a child, Burgess has little appetite for the gore of shark attacks that exercises so morbid a fascination on the rest of us.

Yet the conservationist admits the shark attacks that have taken place off the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in the past month are "right up there" with the most fascinating investigations he has ever mounted.

Over the space of six days, sharks struck at swimmers in relatively shallow waters along a five-kilometre stretch of beach lined with some of the most exclusive hotels on the Red Sea Riviera. Four people were maimed and a fifth was killed.

Called in to investigate by panicked authorities, Burgess was swiftly able to establish at least two of the attacks were carried out by the same oceanic whitetip shark, an astonishing revelation in an extraordinary case.

In recent years, experts have largely debunked the notion that single rogue sharks, unlike the predator dreamed up by the author Peter Benchley in Jaws, ever strike more than one victim. Having discovered the taste of human flesh is not to their liking, the vast majority of sharks do not make the same mistake again.

Yet photographic evidence clearly showed a whitetip with a distinctive notch in its tail-fin attacked a Russian man on Nov. 30, taking off part of his leg. Six days later, the same shark returned to a nearby stretch of water by the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

As her partner Rudi looked on in horror, Renate Sieffert, a German tourist who had been coming to Sharm el-Sheikh for 10 years, was pulled under the water.

Others swimmers described how she screamed as the churning waves around her turned red while the shark thrashed about. By the time she was pulled ashore, Sieffert was dead.

The whitefin has been all but absolved of involvement in two of the attacks, thought to have been carried out by shortfin makos, but remains a possible suspect in the mauling of Olga Martsinko, a Russian-Ukrainian woman.

Only once before has there been unimpeachable evidence of a shark striking more than one human victim. In 1916, a great white killed four people and injured a fifth off the New Jersey Coast. The attacks captured the public imagination and inspired the Jaws movie.

Although Burgess has investigated that case exhaustively, he has never been able conclusively to prove why the shark behaved in the way it did.

But the most convincing explanation, he says, is the great white was in some way injured or malformed, forcing it to attack humans because it was unable to hunt its normal prey.

The same may be true of the serial attacker off Sharm el-Sheikh.

"It is something we are looking at here," he said. "Was this just a shark that made a couple of errors of judgment or decided that humans were OK, or was it an act of desperation by a shark trying to make a living in order to survive?"

Solving the mystery is a little like mounting a murder inquiry. In the days he has been in Egypt, Burgess has been questioning witnesses, studying photographs, forensic evidence and pathologist reports and scouring the waters near each of the incidents.

The most pertinent questions revolve around what the sharks were doing so close to the shore in the first place. Both whitetips and makos are pelagic sharks whose natural habitat is far out to sea -- and it is here where they are most dangerous.

Until last week's attacks, only two juvenile whitetips had been seen off the coast of Sharm el-Sheikh all year.

Preliminary findings suggest that humans are at the very least accessories to the crime.

Unusually warm water temperatures, perhaps the result of global warming, may have lured the sharks into the northern reaches of the Red Sea.

A ship carrying sheep from Australia is also a prime suspect, after it tossed carcasses and waste into the sea. Burgess says sharks from 160 kilometres away could have been attracted by the ship.

Sharks may inspire a visceral, even primal fear in humans, but in reality they pose us little danger.

There are an average of five shark-related deaths a year. By contrast, human beings kill up to 75 million sharks annually, for their fins, their meat or simply as bycatch. With some species seeing their numbers fall by 99 per cent in 50 years, the king of the seas is facing a battle for survival.

Which is why, Burgess says, it would be wrong to hunt and kill the sharks responsible for the Sharm el-Sheikh attacks. Doing so would not make the beaches safer anyway, something that would be better achieved by monitoring the seas so beaches can be closed when sharks are close to shore.


Be Warned: Aliens Hunt Aussie Territorians

ntnews - A dozen Territorians have been abducted by extraterrestrial life - and they are "just the tip of the iceberg", an expert on paranormal activity says.

Mary Rodwell, founder of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network, said in her role as an hypnotherapist and counsellor for people with paranormal encounters she has come across "at least a dozen people from the Northern Territory", who had experienced encounters with "non-human beings".

"I had people telling me they found strange little marks, bruises and scars on their bodies when they woke up in the morning.

"Many of the marks and scars fluoresce in ultraviolet light. They have time missing in their memory.

"People found themselves outside their house with all the doors locked from the inside, and they don't know how the hell they got there."

Ms Rodwell said many people did not want to go public with their encounters, fearing they would be laughed at.

"Or they just don't know what to make of it," she said.

"But this is real, this is not a fantasy. I don't have any doubts this is reality, we are being visited.

"There is a lot of evidence out there for it (abductions).

"The people who contacted me are just the tip of the iceberg; I am sure there are plenty more."

The British-born counsellor said that most of the abduction reports came from "around the vicinity of Darwin".

"It doesn't have to happen in isolated places, it happens everywhere - to articulate, credible people, who are not crazy.

"Some people have seen things up close, like a beam of light that came down from a craft, or crafts sucking up water from dams or lakes."

Ms Rodwell said many of the Territorians who had turned to her for help had not believed in UFOs or aliens until they had seen things "with their own eyes".


Yey, my very first contributor article.. Langsung baca aja deh Readers..

Batutut atau ujit termasuk salah satu hewan Cryptozoology yang konon mirip Bigfoot, penampakannya disekitar Cagar Alam Vu Quang Vietnam, Laos dan Kalimantan. Pertama kali ditemukan oleh Penjelajah Prancis pada tahun 1947 dan diteliti oleh Dr John MacKinnon pada tahun 1970. Beberapa sumber mengatakan bahwa Batutut merupakan populasi Homo Erectus yang mampu bertahan hidup.

Batutut pertama terlihat tahun 1918, menurut sejarah lokal batutut digambarkan sebagai makhluk yang tertutup rambut dari kepala ampe kaki. dengan pengecualian leher dan perut.Batutut dikatakan sekitar 4 kaki tingginya. Batutut betina konon punya payudara yang besar. Cara berjalan mereka lebih mirip kera dibanding manusia.

Beberapa penemuan kredibel dari keberadaan Batutut datang dari tahun
John MacKinnon seorang zoologi terkenal, dia menemukan apa yang digambarkan sebagai jejak kaki yang mirip dengan seorang manusia tetapi lebih kecil dan terletak jauh di hutan hujan borneo. Ini adalah sumber yang dapat dipercaya dan bertanggal 1970.

Do Batutut lurk in the Rainforest?

Warga setempat masih melaporkan penampakan batutut sampai sekarang.Di beberapa desa terpencil di sumatra,
dalam beberapa kasus bahkan mereka menawarkan makanan dan melihat saat batutut makan.

Batutut kadang bisa agresif banget sama manusia, dulu ada kasus dimana mereka ngebunuh dan makan manusia.


Lake Erie Monsters
There are lots of teams with cryptid names, and they are being joined by a new one: The Lake Erie Monsters, a minor league hockey team. Here’s the straight media spin on the new hockey team’s name:
Gilbert Unafraid of Monsters, Region’s Latest Hockey Team: Cavs Owner Confident of Minor-League Success
By George M. Thomas, The Akron Beacon Journal, Ohio
Jan. 26–CLEVELAND — Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert will turn a Northeast Ohio myth into reality when the Lake Erie Monsters, the area’s new American Hockey League franchise, debuts at Quicken Loans Arena in October.
Flanked by officials from the AHL and the Colorado Avalanche — the National Hockey League team that will feed the team players — and complete with a man-made chill and mist, Gilbert revealed the team’s logo and colors Thursday.
Lake Erie Monsters
The logo features a monster’s head with menacing eyes skimming just above the water’s surface. People have reported seeing such a Loch Ness-type creature in the lake’s waters over the years. It’s the type of symbol perfect for selling jerseys, T-shirts and replica pucks.George M. Thomas
Humm, cough, cough, hey, owner Dan Gilbert and investigative reporter George Thomas, you overlooked a small but significant detail: the name of the local lake monster is “Bessie.” I guess the person who picked out that “Lake Erie Monsters” moniker didn’t realize that the real local name for the lake cryptids of Lake Erie is Bessie. Can you imagine how this team’s new rivals are going to react when they find this out? Will catcalls and handheld signs of “Hey, it’s the Bessies” be heard and seen soon on the Quicken Loans Arena ice rink, as well as on the new team’s road trips?
But then Cleveland won’t be the first location that has fiddled around, fiddled around, fiddled around with names of cryptids. Minor league hockey also has it’s Lowell Lock Monsters in Massachusetts. I’ve always wondered about the wisdom in teaching kids that Louie the Mascot (an obvious bipedal Lake Monster) is a “Lock” Monster, versus the correct spelling, “Loch Monster.” I guess someone along the way thought it was cute to have a play on words with the old history of “locks” in Lowell. Today, Lowell, sadly is a ghost of its former self, as it was once a giant mill town. In the 1850s, Lowell was the second largest city in New England, with nearly six miles of canals – the largest power canal system in the world – running her factories. The memory of the locks there, I guess, live on in the name, Lowell Lock Monsters.
Of course, the NHL’s New Jersey Devils team makes good use of their mascot, the “NJ Devil.” Ooops, the local cryptid is called the “Jersey Devil.”
Meanwhile, out West, you have the British Columbian “Duffers League” in hockey that has a championship team called the Sasquatch, who have jerseys with a Sasquatch footprint across the front. Middle-aged guys playing like Bigfoot in hockey outfits. Okay, that sounds like fun.
Minor league baseball use to have the Champs, but they recently changed their name to the Vermont Lake Monsters. They did keep Champ, nevertheless, as their mascot.
The NHL’s Colorado team (that happen to be the parent team of the “Bessies,” oops, I mean “Lake Erie Monsters”) formerly had as their mascot “Howler.” It’s a sad story of cryptid misbehavior. “Howler the Yeti” was the mascot of the Colorado Avalanche hockey team, but he was fired by the team after he assaulted a fan. They still retain (what they call) a “Yeti footprint” on their sleeves and on their Zephyr Colorado Avalanche Shootout Fitted Hats. Unfortunately, this alternate logo for the team shows a four-toed, not a five-toed, track. Still, it, no doubt, results in a lot of sales to cryptozoology fans. (Yes, I have one of their caps.)
Thank goodness, let’s hope we will never find a team named the Ozark Howlers. After all, the Howler of the Ozarks is a hoax.
Meanwhile, the former home of the Cleveland Browns can now proclaim pride in their own hometown “Bessies.”


Yutaka Kawaji and Hideo Kawaji may share the same surname, but they also share the same phenomenal experience. You see, they are both witnesses to the Japanese lake cryptid know as Issie, said to inhabit the depths of Lake Ikeda in Japan.
What is remarkable is that they both saw the creature when they were elementary school students and also later in life. In fact, Yutaka Kawaji actually witnessed the creature on three occasions and two of the sightings occurred in the same year. In the spring of 1978 Yutaka saw the creature from a garden. Details of this sighting are very sketchy and we know little else than that he saw an unknown creature in the lake.
It is the sighting on September 3, 1978 that is the best known sighting in the history of the Lake Ikeda enigma. This sighting was not witnessed by just a handful of people but by 20 people, virtually all related to Yutaka Kawaji.
Kawaji’s children Hiroto, Mutsumi and Tomoko were playing by the lakeshore when they noticed two humps belonging to a large black creature gilding through the waters of the lake which is set in the caldera of an extinct volcano. These were big humps measuring five metres (16.26 feet long) and standing some 60 centimetres (two feet) out of the water. The children alerted the adults in the party to the presence of the creature and before anyone had time to breathe, Yukata Kawaji leapt aboard a motorboat and pursued the creature as it crossed the lake at a fair clip.
Kawaji was unable to catch up with the creature but during a sighting that lasted three to four minutes, he was able to see the humps twice for about 20 seconds. Conditions on the lake were mirror smooth with no wind or waves to speak of. The witnesses agreed that the only activity on the lake came from the immediate area where the cryptid had made it appearance.
Yutaka Kawaji was so enthralled by his sighting that he purchased a camera with a 135 millimetre lens in the hope that some day he would be able to photograph the creature. Kawaji has never seen the creature again, but as chance would have it, the mystery denizen of Lake Ikeda was photographed on December 16, that year and that honour would fall to Toshiaki Matsuhara. Matsuhara was interested in the folklore and legends of the lake, and this included the legend of Issie.
It was one thirty in the afternoon that day when Matsuhara saw a whirlpool suddenly appear in the middle of the lake. For five minutes he watched it through a 50X telescope as it moved northward for five minutes before it disappeared.
While scanning the lake in the aftermath of his initial sighting Matsuhara’s attention was drawn to an object moving in the lake which was somewhat veiled by waves surrounding it. He quickly took a series of photographs and in one of them what appear to be two humps with spinal ridges can be seen.
By this time the tourism department of the nearby city of Ibusuki had offered a reward of 100,000 Yen ($670) to anyone who could produce a photo of  Issie. Matsuhara submitted his photo for their consideration and the tourism department officials were impressed enough to award Matsuhara the prize money. When the photos were published, they struck a chord in the recollection of Yutaka Kawaji who promptly contacted the tourism department to say the Matsuhara had photographed the creature he had seen three months earlier and that it was also in the exact same location off a local landmark known as the Couple’s Rock.
Incredibly Matsuhara is alleged to have photographed the creature on four more occasions, but few have seen these photos and they have not been submitted for serious scrutiny.
Lake Ikeda is a remarkable place as it receives its water from rain and subsurface water sources. There no rivers or streams that flow into the lake. This is quite problematic in that it begs the question: How did a creature the size of Issie get into the lake? The only possible way it did so is to have entered through a subsurface opening, but the question is: from where?
The Lake is situated on the Satsuma Peninsula that is bordered on one side by the Sea of Japan and on the other by the Gulf of Kagoshima. It is quite a distance from the sea and because the lake is also above sea level, it is highly unlikely that it came from the ocean. At some stage in its history large Malaysian eels were introduced to the lake and these fish are farmed commercially on the lakeshore. I thought they might make a good candidate for Issie sightings , but I discovered that the largest eel ever seen in the lake – incidentally in the same area where Matsuhara and Kawaji had their sightings – was just 1.7 metres at most.
This is far too small to be even one of the five meter humps. Even the large snapping turtle that has been photographed in the lake is far too small to account for the large creature that many insists is Issie.
In 1991 a videotape of Issie was made and shown on the Nippon TV special World’s Mysterious Phenomena (Arlene Gaal and I were on the same show discussing Ogopogo).
It is clear that this is a living creature, but it is very difficult to calculate its length and whether it might not be eels swimming in a line. Then again it could be Issie, but as far as I am concerned, the jury is still out on whether it is the denizen of Lake Ikeda.
If you ever go to Lkae Ikeda you can see the statue of Issie and utilize the Issie observation platform. I hope that some one, someday, gets photographic proof of Issie that is somewhat clearer than Matsuhara’s series of anomalous humps and splashes in the water.

Cool Cryptids: 14 Amazing Animals of Myth & Legend

Amazingly bizarre creatures are still being discovered around the world practically every week, and it wasn’t that long ago that we thought Komodo dragons, giant squid and platypi were mythical beasts. So is it possible that a lightening-spitting giant worm, a slimy river imp or a fat walking snake really exist? These 14 ‘cryptids’, creatures that have been reported but never confirmed, range from the seemingly possible to the laughably absurd.

Mongolian Death Worm

(image via: buzztab)
What’s so special about the Mongolian Death Worm that makes cryptozoologists spend their life savings blowing up the desert in search of it? Well, it can supposedly shoot lightening out of its rectum long-distance, for one. The blood-red, acid-spitting cryptid is said to be up to five feet long with spikes protruding from both ends. Mongolian nomads have reported on its existence for centuries, but despite night-vision goggles and camera-equipped ultralight planes, it has never been confirmed as a real creature.

Trunko the Furry Fish

(image via: the cryptozoologist)
What’s big as a whale and furry all over – with an elephant trunk? You might guess ‘mammoth’, except for the fact that this particular cryptid has the tail of a lobster and swims underwater. Trunko is the affectionate nickname given to the “fish like a polar bear” which was reportedly sighted in South Africa in 1924. The strangely bloodless carcass washed up on Margate Beach and despite being there for 10 days, no scientist ever investigated it. One explanation is that the specimen was a whale or shark that appeared furry due to decay.

Yowie the Hairy Hominid

(image via: crikey)
Everybody knows about Bigfoot and Yetis, but have you ever heard of a Yowie? Australia’s furry man-like creature has been a part of Aboriginal legend for centuries and is said to be 7-8 feet tall with bright red eyes and a body odor problem. Is it some undiscovered primate? Nobody knows for sure – one supposed “sighting” turned out to merely be a particularly hairy naked man running across the highway.


(image via: holamun2)
What’s killing livestock in places like Puerto Rico, Chile and Mexico? Maybe it’s local predators like coyotes – or maybe it’s the Chupacabra, a persistent cryptid that supposedly sucks the blood of animals like goats. The so-called ‘bizarre’ mutilations of these dead animals has never been confirmed and though many a captured specimen has been declared to finally be a real Chupacabra, they’ve inevitably been identified as raccoons, possums and other everyday animals rendered hairless by skin disease.

Kappa – Slimy Japanese River Imp

(image via: pink tentacle)
It looks sort of like a child, but with the glistening skin of a frog and unusually thin, gangly limbs. The Kappa is one of Japan’s most famous cryptids, an amphibious creature that leaves a trail of slime wherever it goes. In 1984, a specimen was supposedly spotted at the edge of a river in Tsushima and the slime taken to a lab for analysis, but the sample was too small to be useful. Another reported encounter involved bizarre footprints in a home that left a gooey mess that even paint thinner couldn’t tackle.

Windigo – Cannibal Night Monster

(image via: bill casselman)
First, it invaded the body of an ill man as a lump of ice in the heart. Soon enough, the man would turn black with frostbite, begin vomiting ice and develop an insatiable craving for human flesh. In some northern Algonquin-speaking Native American tribes, the “windigo” was the unfortunate result of a man gone completely insane. Sometimes, the transformation was said to have been caused by cannabalism. But in nearly all cases, the man was said to turn into a gigantic nocturnal beast all too eager to feed upon the innocent.

Bladenboro Beast

(image via: hubpages)
What sort of creature could kill multiple pit bulls and drain their blood? Why, it could only be a hulking vampire creature resembling a cross between a wolf and a bear, of course. The Bladenboro Beast, named after the area it has reportedly terrorized since the 1950s, was spotted by a number of locals, one of whom described its “round face, shiny eyes and large teeth.” While locals still claim to catch glimpses of it today, some who believe the story think it might actually be a big cat – which are also a sort of cryptid, at least in this area. Reports of panthers in North Carolina have never been confirmed, either.

The Dover Demon

(image via: wikimedia commons)
This sketch of the ‘Dover Demon’ of Massachusetts is so alien-like, it’s easy for skeptics to dismiss reports of its existence as utter hogwash. But believers say this bizarre hairless creature with a watermelon-shaped head and orange eyes might have been some kind of mutant – and some believe that it really was an alien. One witness wrote next to a sketch he created “I, Bill Bartlett, swear on a stack of Bibles that I saw this creature.” Others seeking a scientific explanation wonder if it could have been a newborn moose – do you see any resemblance?


(image via: wikimedia commons)
Could the mythical minhocao of South America’s forests be a gigantic subspecies of caecilians – amphibians that look like earthworms? The minhocao (“big earthworm” in Portuguese), which is said to burrow underground, is believed to be a relic of the dinosaur age. Sightings were mostly reported in Brazil during the 19th century. Some people think that minhocaos are still spotted but accidentally reported as another cryptid, the giant anaconda.

Gnome of Girona

(image via: anomalia)
Is the creature seen in this jar some kind of undiscovered animal, an abnormal fetus or just a hoax? Dubbed the “gnome of girona”, it was captured by campers in Spain and supposedly lived for a few days before it was preserved in formol by parapsychologist Angel Gordon and shown all over Spanish television.  According to Wikipedia, “The connection between the pictures and how they reached the media is obscure, qualifying the whole story as a hoax of dubious authority.” Some experts believe it may be the fetus of a cow.


(image via: pink tentacle)
Perhaps the photos that supposedly show a creature known in Japan as the tsuchinoko are just a case of mistaken identity. Some argue that what you see here is just a snake digesting a huge meal, or an escaped exotic pet. But tsuchinokos have been reported since the 7th century, and considering some of the other bizarre creatures that have been confirmed as real lately, it wouldn’t be too surprising if this were really an undiscovered species. Japanese legend only serves to muddy the issue, however, with claims that the creature talks, with a propensity for lying and a love for alcoholic beverages.

Beast of Gevaudan

(image via: wikimedia commons)
Okay, so the Beast of Gevaudan doesn’t really have bizarre metal scales as portrayed in the movie Brotherhood of the Wolf. But the cryptozoological animal that the movie’s antagonist is based upon is known as a vicious man-eating wolf with huge teeth and longer-than-normal tails. The creature is blamed for attacks in the French village of Gevaudan between 1764 and 1767, with a death toll of over 200 people. Some say it could have been a wolf-dog hybrid, and others believe it was actually a werewolf.

Montauk Monster

(image via: wikimedia commons)
When a frightening-looking corpse washed up on the beach of Montauk, New York in 2008, onlookers joked that maybe it came from Plum Island, where the USDA runs an animal disease center. The corpse was likely bloated from its time in the water, but speculation has deemed it everything from a turtle without its shell to a raccoon to a dog. The current location of the body is unclear, making some people wonder whether the whole thing was a hoax.

Sea Monsters of All Stripes

(image via: wikimedia commons)
What creatures make up the biggest chunk of cryptids? Sea monsters, of course – there are so many of them, we could easily make a list that consisted of nothing but these mysterious underwater creatures that may or may not exist. It’s understandable – the sea is a strange and somewhat frightening place packed full of creatures that seem like they couldn’t possibly be real. Notable maybe-real-or-maybe-not water monsters include the infamous Loch Ness Monster, Chessie, Isshi, Kraken… the list goes on and on.

10 Mahluk Aneh Yang Kemungkinan Masih Hidup


Ahool adalah kelelawar yang berukuran raksasa. Rentang sayapnya berukuran lebih dari 7 kaki. Hewan ini pernah dilihat di sekitar Jawa. Hewan ini dipercaya masih tetap exist di gua gua. Dan hewan ini biasanya terbang di atas rata-rata kelelawar biasanya. Untuk lebih lanjutnya tentang hewan ini bisa anda pelajari di jurusan cryptozoology. Cryptozoology itu ilmu yang mempelajari hewan-hewan yang masih melegenda atau yang belum diyakini ada.

Agogwe adalah makhluk seperti manusia dan berukuran sangat kecil, mirip kurcaci. Sering ditemukan di Timur Afrika.
Serigala Andean:

Serigala Andean diketahui jelas bentuknya, namun sering kelihatan di ekitar Artik dan Amerika Utara.
Kucing Rubah:

Kucing Rubah merupakan sejenis karnivora baru yang ditemukan di Kalimantan. Ukurannya lebih besar dari kucing biasa, memiliki bulu berwarna merah, ekor yang panjang, dan kaki depan lebih panjang daripada kaki belakang seperti katak. Hewan ini mirip perpaduan antara kucing dan rubah.
Harimau Tazmania:

Harimau ini memang pernah ada pada zaman lampau dan dipercaya telah punah. Harimau ini kadang terlihat di Papua Nugini.

Spesies ular yang amat langka dan aneh, berperut gendut mirip botol atau pin boling dengan ekor yang kecil mirip ekor tikus. Pernah dilihat di Hokaido, Jepang.

Serupa dengan Bigfoot, muncul di wilayah Himalaya. Bagi warga sekitar hutan tersebut, makhluk ini adalah penjaga hutan, dan tidak boleh di buru. Yeti atau Manusia Salju yang Menakutkan adalah sejenis primata besar yang menyerupai manusia yang menghuni wilayah pegunungan Himalaya di Nepal dan Tibet. Nama Yeti dan Meh-Teh umummnya digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat di wilayah tersebut, dan dianggap sebagai kisah sejarah dan mitos yang masih misterius. Orang-orang Nepal juga menyebutnya “Bonmanche” yang berarti “manusia liar” atau “Kanchanjuga rachyyas” yang berarti “Iblis Kanchanjunga.”
Mogolian Death Worm:

Wujud di padang pasir Gobi, ia mempunyai bentuk seperti cacing tetapi dalam ukuran yang agak besar seperti seekor ular. Dapat membunuh manusia hanya dengan nafasnya yang beracun.

Monster laut yang serupa dengan Nessie di danau Loch Ness. Bedanya Ogopogo ditemukan di danau Okanagan, Kanada.
Mungkin teman-teman sudah banyak yang mendengar kisah tentang Monster Danau Loch Ness,Skotlandia yang akrab dipanggil “Nessie” oleh beberapa penduduk setempat.(Kalo belum pernah dengar,coba deh bongkar archive bulan April).
Ternyata, tidak hanya Danau Loch saja yang menyimpan sebuah misteri suatu kehidupan monster danau yang masih diliputi misteri,ternyata kisah serupa juga ada pada sebuah danau di Canada yang dinamakan Danau Okanagan.
Masyarakat mengenal Monster ini dengan sebutan Ogopogo.Topik pembicaraan mengenai eksistensi makhluk misterius danau Okanagan ini sudah terdengar kisahnya sejak tahun 1850,dimana pada awal tahun itu untuk pertamakalinya Ogopogo menampakkan dirinya kepada para wisatawan dan penduduk setempat.
Para saksi mata yang melihatnya menuturkan bahwa suatu makhluk dengan perawakan yang besar,berwarna gelap dan memiliki bentuk tubuh yang panjang telah muncul kepermukaan air dan berenang menyusuri tengah danau.
Kejadian itu berlangusung dalam waktu yang cukup lama,sehingga mereka dapat lebih leluasa untuk mengamati dan mengidentifikasi makhluk tersebut.
Menurut mereka,makhluk tersebut bukannlah seekor ular,walaupun sedikit memiliki kesamaan bentuk pada tubuh-nya.Seekor ular tidak ada yang memiliki ukuran tubuh sebesar dan sepanjang makhluk ini.
Banyak orang yang mendengarkan penuturan para saksi mata justru mencemooh mereka,mungkin makhluk tersebut memang benar-benar seekor ular ,tetapi terlalu dibesar-besarkan mengenai penggambaran sosoknya, sehingga menjadi suatu hal yang mengemparkan.

Mothman adalah salah satu urban legend yang cukup terkenal di daerah Virginia. Mothman digambarkan adalah mahluk bersayap dan setinggi manusia, bermata merah, kadang muncul tanpa kepala dan mata merahnya ada di dada. Pertama kali ditemukan di daerah perkuburan di Virginia tahun 1926. Hingga hari ini, polisi masih menerima laporan mengenai kemunculan Mothman. Siapa dia? Tidak seorang pun yang tahu. Secara umum, tidak pernah ada laporan ada orang yang diserang Mothman.
Mahluk setengah manusia dan setengah kelelawar, tidak memiliki leher, bersayap dan bermata merah. Pertama kali dilihat pada tahun 1966 dan diidentifikasikan sebagai UFH ( Unidentified Flying Humanoid). Nama Mothman sendiri mulai muncul dan marak diperbincangkan oleh Masyarakat Amerika Serikat pada ahir tahun 1966,bermula dimana pada saat itu serombongan remaja yang sedang berlibur disuatu wilayah pedasaan di pinggiran Sacramento ,
menuturkan telah dikagetkan oleh kehadiran seekor makhluk Makhluk menyeramkan yang bertengger diatap sebuah gedung tua yang tak berpenghuni pada saat mereka pesta api unggun.
Menurut kesaksian mereka,bentuk makhluk tsb sangatlah menyeramkan dan nampak serasa janggal.Walupun melihatnya secara samar-samar,kami paham bahwa makhluk tersebut bukanlah sosok manusia ataupun seekor kelelawar.
Kedua matanya memancarkan warna merah menyala,seakan-akan tengah menunjukkan rasa tak suka akan kehadiran para remaja ditempat itu.
Beberapa anak-anak remaja sempat memberanikan diri mereka untuk mengusirnya,dengan membawa obor dan beberapa batu bara merekapun menghampirinya.
Mereka berusaha mengusir makhluk tsb dengan cara melamparkan beberapa buah batu bara kearahnya ,dan beberapa saat kemudian,makhluk tersebut sempat mengeluarkan suara nyaring sebelum ahirnya terbang meninggalkan mereka.
Clendin,West Virginia 12 November 1967,Lima pekerja laki-laki yang tengah mempersiapkan sebuah liang kubur di TPU setempat juga dikagetkan dengan kehadiran makhluk tersebut.
Mereka melihat bentuk manusia berbadan gelap dan memiliki sayap,keluar dari sebuah pepohonan dan kemudian terbang melintas tepat diatas mereka.